Sunday, August 10, 2008

Attempted lunch at Harris Ranch

Got to to "co-pilot" with Pavlo today. And by "co-pilot" I mean close the door and enjoy the ride. Today's trip was a flight to Harris Range in Coalinga CA for lunch. First we flew up the coast to King City for a touch and go landing then over the Diablo mountain range to Coalinga. We arrived on the smallest runway I have ever seen. It's about 2500 feet long and maybe 40' wide. Sounds big until you're trying to land on it. We arrived looking forward to burgers for lunch, but with a 35 minute wait, that wasn't going to happen. So we settled for some cashews and a Snapple from the shell station and took off to SLO. Took a few decent pictures along the way. Click here to check them out. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're livfing the dream
Keep it up